Friday, May 7, 2010

On The Contrary...

I respect that everyone has an opinion on something, and they have the right to. So in turn, respect mine on your thought of, "The cool things I learned this year". In my opinion, the whole process of genes and what not is a little bit interesting, but frankly, it didn't mean that much to me and it was also the most boring part of the course of Biology. Also, it was the worst part of my grade for Biology due to the lack of in-depth details. Concluding my post, Biology in my opinion was probably the worst course of the year, (disregarding the genes part of the curriculum), and the study of genes should be moved up to at least a sophomore idea. Although I do not mind that much anymore because it is done and over with!=]

1 comment:

  1. Mike, everyone has their own opinion on things that what makes this world so special. What I might think was great you might think it is horrible. I thought learning about genes was fun while you thought it was nonintersting.
